Monday, September 27, 2010

Green Toys brand (made in USA!) almost 1/2 off!

Ending tomorrow (9/28/2010), on HauteLook, is a sale on a variety of organic clothes and toys, including the brand Green Toys (they are the ones who use BPA-free recycled plastic and made in the USA) at almost 1/2 off!  If you have any kids on your Christmas list, these are GREAT toys - the milk jugs used to make them are recycled here in the USA, and they toys are also made in the USA!  The play cookware and dining set is only $13.99 pictured below (it is a whopping $26.99 at Amazon!), the plate set above is only $4.89 (kids can eat off of them, and are dishwasher safe!  They also have bowls and silverware too!) and the tool set I really want for my son pictured below is on sale too!  Click here to go to their site and sign up to get in on these deals!


Bringing Basics Back tip:  Buy Made in USA. When I buy things, I like to flip it over to see where it was made - Made in USA is the top choice, and made in Canada or a European country is second choice.  When you buy USA, you are supporting our "local" economy, which is one of the most important reasons.  You are also buying something that most likely did not have to be shipped as far, and most likely conserves resources (not always the case, but a factor to consider at least).  Another VERY important reason is that USA, Canada and Europe have more stringent guidelines on using toxic materials in production, and also have better standards for workers.  So overall, you can feel better about your purchase for a variety of reasons!



Renee said...

That is a great deal, I love those toys

Sarah said...

I love all your USA made toy suggestions!! I avoid Made in China products for all the reasons you mentioned. It actually inspired me to start a blog about my challenge to find Made in USA goods in everyday mall stores. I'm hoping to find ways to shop for safe, ethical products for our families in places we already frequent. I'd love to learn more about the resources you've found!

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