This week at CurrClick, the free downloadable homeschooling lesson plan is all about apples!
The suggested grade level is K-2 but is very flexible for lower & higher grades. "All Apples! A Fun Study!" was created to be fun and not overwhelming. The kiddos will feel involved in the lesson, while learning about all about apples.
I am especially excited about this lesson plan because we are "going back to basics" ourselves and have fruit trees on our new property including 3 different apple trees, so I can actually go out there with the kids and do a field study! Some of the topics covered include a little of each: Apple health, apple sayings, label apple parts, orchards & apple growers, harvest, storage & sale, apple facts, number words, Johnny Appleseed, handwriting, apple varieties, map activity, Do You Remember?, writing cards, coloring pages, dot to dot, and more. Plus, you can have apples for your snack, or show them how to make applesauce and enjoy the "fruits" of your labor afterwards!
So, go on over HERE and click on the "All Apples! A Fun Study!" on the main page, or click on the "free stuff" button and find it from there. In addition to the free lesson plans, they have a lot of reasonably priced books and plans for you, for all grade levels and subjects!
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