Sneaky Tip: Remember, that with RiteAid BOGO sales, you can use one coupon per item, so if you bought the 2 items, you can use 2 coupons even though one item is free as part of their sale... if you bought 4 items, you can use 4 coupons (even though after the BOGO 2 would be free) - so, in some cases, you can get both for free or pennies on the dollar!
This is what I bought:
2 Renpure Organics (shampoo & conditioner) - BOGO $6.99 ea.
- my $3 Video Values coupon (no longer available)
+ both items had a $3 mail-in rebate hang-tag
= $3.99 for BOTH - $6 in manufacturer mail-in rebates
= $2 moneymaker!
If Renpure wont honor both $3 rebates, they will definitely honor one so, at least I'd still be scoring both items for only $0.99 after manufacturer rebate!
1 Burts Bees Acne Solutions facial wash - $9.99
- $2 printable coupon from HERE
+ $2 SCR
= $5.99 after SCR
5 Soy Joy nutritional bars 5/$3 on sale
- $3 SCR on 5
- BOGO coupon I had from past insert (I'm bummed bc I KNOW I had a $2/10 coupon and I can't find it anywhere! Time to organize my coupons again I guess!)
= 5 FREE + $0.60 moneymaker!
1 Pure & Natural Hand Soap $4.69
- $2 Video Values coupon (no longer available)
- $1 coupon printable from HERE
= $1.69
1 Huggies Pure & Natural Diapers $11.99 (I may have jumped the gun buying them now - they'll probably go on sale later this month, but I had my $3 coupon + video values that both expire the 31st)
- $1 SCR
- $3 coupon from past insert
- $1 Video Values coupon (mine was from last month and expires the 31st, but there are new ones available this month!)
= $6.99 after SCR
1 Oral B Stages + 1 Zooth toothbrushes (Hello Kitty, sooo cute!) - $2.49 ea.
- $2 SCR on the Stages brush
- $1 coupon off any 2 stages and/or zooth toothbrushes
= $1.98 for BOTH
1 Pepto Bismol tablets (lightweight chewable kind for my emergency kit) - $6.49
- $0.50 coupon from past insert
- $2 off in-ad RiteAid coupon
= $3.99
1 Simlasan Dry Eye drops (all natural!) great to have in the medicine cabinet! - $9.99
- $2 video values coupon (available now!)
- $2 coupon from past insert
- $2 SCR
= $3.99 after SCR
2 Flex-a-min glucosomine suppliments - BOGO ($19.99 ea)
- $6 coupon from past insert
- ANOTHER $6 coupon from past insert
= got both for $7.99
2 Lil Critters gummy vitamins for kids - BOGO ($10.99 ea)
didn't have any coupons - boooooooo!
but got both for $10.99
1 Gillette Fusion Razor - $7.99 (my husband's favorite)
- $4 coupon from past insert from a few months back
- $2 SCR
= $1.99 after SCR, which is cheaper than what each individual refill cartridge would cost if I bought the refill pack! Now hubby can have one razor in the shower and one at the sink.
3 Renuzit Pearl air fresheners - BOGO ($3.49 ea)
Used my Buy 2, get 1 free coupon from past insert (expires the 31st)
So, I got 2 for free!
1 Tampax Pearl 40ct tampons (look for the boxes that are labeled with the $15 of P&G coupons inside!!!) $6.99 + 1 Tampax Pearl 20ct. box $5.29
- $2 scr on the 40ct
- Coupon from sunday 12/27 paper: Buy 1 34-40ct, get 1 18-20ct. FREE (would have been $5.29)
= got both for $4.99 after SCR + I got some coupons out of it too!
Buy a $50 i-Tunes gift card and get a $10 RiteAid gift card free - in-ad coupon!
so, I bought one as a birthday gift. = $40 after $10 gift card "free" money
- $20 Season of Giving RiteAid gift certificate I earned from past purchases
- $5/$20 Video Values coupon
- $5/$25 printable coupon from HERE (if you don't see it, try zip 97269)
= $30 off
If you feel like doing it, you could also split your transaction into two and use 2 more of the $5 off total purchase coupons, to save $10 more off your total! This also would be if your Rite Aid is not stingy. I didn't do that this time.
The lady checking me out today was usually a shelf-stocker, and she is an elderly lady, so was sort of slow anyways, but instead of just scanning my coupons, she looked in the bags for every single item before scanning the coupon and sometimes even after already scanning it - it was the most annoying experience EVER! I was too nice to tell her that she didn't have to do that and to just SCAN THE COUPONS, LADY! I guess that's what they used to do before the high-tech scanners, so she was bringing back the old school I guess... but, on top of her being slow and unnecessarily, yet unwittingly annoying, she didn't know the coupon policy and kept having the poor manager come over and "ok" a few of the things like using both the Video Values coupon and a Manufacturer's coupon. Of course each thing was ok, she just didn't know the rules... and I had the kids with me = even more hectic times at checkout. SIGH. I usually have a very pleasant experience at RiteAid.
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