Go to my previous post HERE for more info about double and triple-stacking the coupons + some of the Safeway deals from there are still valid today too!
Coupon from today's paper: FREE 12oz bag of Fresh brand lettuce (valid 12/13/09 only w/$20 minimum purchase)
2 Pillsbury Simply cookie doughs (these don't have all the "extra" ingredients) on sale for $1.99 each, limit 2 with in-ad coupon from last week, valid thru the 15th (otherwise, on sale right now for $2.79 ea,)
shortcuts $1 off 2
clipped coupon $1 off 1 from today's General Mills newspaper inert
Clipped coupon $0.55 off 1 Simply from a previous insert (not sure how old!)
Peelie from the package: Buy 1 Peanut Butter and 1 Chocolate Chip Simply and get $1 off
= $0.71 each (These are usually $3.69 each at full price!!!)
OR, if you are able to score 2 of the $1/1 coupons from today's paper, then both would be FREE
Coupon from today's paper: Huggies or Pampers Mega Pack diapers $13.99
- $1.50 off any Huggies Shortcuts coupon to load onto your Safeway card before you go
- $2 off any Huggies from Parade insert last Sunday
= $9.50 for the Mega Pack!
4 boxes Chex Cereal - Did you know that Chex is Gluten Free?!! - $1.99 ea box (sale price if you buy 3 or more boxes)
cellfire $1 off 2 coupon loaded onto your Safeway Card
shortcuts $1 off 2 coupon loaded onto your Safeway Card
TWO printables $1 off 2 from smartsource.com
each box for only $0.99
Crest Plus Scope Toothpaste, 4-8.2 oz size - coupon from today's ad: $1.99
- $0.75 P&G eSaver coupon loaded onto Safeway card before you go
- $0.75 clipped coupon, or $1 off coupon from Right @ Home mailer
= only $0.49 or $0.24 for the large size!
10-Lb bag of Potatoes - $1.38
Nabisco/Kraft crackers buy 5, save $5 promo. I bought:
3 Whole Wheat version Wheat Thins @ $1.49 ea
2 Triscuits @ $1.49 ea
clipped $1 off 1 Wheat Thins
2 $1 off 2 Nabisco crackers printables from Nabisco's website, or from Smartsource.com, or from today's SmartSource insert
= $4.45 for all 5 (= only $0.89 each)
PLUS, if you buy 10, you can get a $10 mail-in rebate from Nabisco = if you have enough coupons for the above to work out for 10 boxes, then you'd get them ALL for FREE! click HERE for the rebate form.
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