Sunday, November 15, 2009

Right On, RiteAid! This week's deals!

If you've been following my lil blog, you'll come to find that I am a big RiteAid fan - I know, how much shampoo can one family stockpile?  Well, when it comes out to be free, why not get your family set for the next year?!! Plus, it is such a great opportunity for you to be able to continue to donate even after you have tightened your pocketbook in this economy.  Homeless shelters and battered women's shelters, etc. are always willing receivers of toiletries!  At RiteAid, "SCR" is Single Check Rebate, a free, online rebate system you sign up for.  Video Value coupons are available when you sign up on RiteAid and watch video commercials and get awarded a coupon!  I only get 1 Sunday paper, but if you get more, you can save even more than I!  Many of my coupons are ones I hold on to until the expire with the hopes that one day, I can use it!  Without further adieu, here are some of the coupon matchups I see this morning... I don't think I"m going to go to RiteAid today because I don't feel like it - I'll probably go tomorrow and then I'll post what I actually bought!

**Crest Extra White plus Scope Outlast toothpaste = $0.75 moneymaker! $2.69 SCR + your $0.75 coupon from 11/1   ***OR*** 2 FREE + $0.06 moneymaker! -- buy 2 - use your $1/2 coupon on one, use $0.75/1 coupon + $2.69 SCR/1
**GE Energy Smart lightbulbs =  $1 for 2! -- 2/$4 - $2 SCR/2 + your $1/1 coupon (free if you have 2 coups!)
**Kotex pads or tampons =  2/$1.98 -- $2.99ea - $2 SCR/1 + your $2/2 coupon
      ***OR*** 1 pack FREE -- $2.99 - $2 SCR + this $1/1 coupon here
**Almay and/or Revlon - BOGO + The RiteAid ad states that there is a $2 Revlon+$2 Almay coupon in today's paper, but I didn't see those in mine - did you?? = possibly FREE for you?? You can also register here for Revlon coupons.
**Spinbrush toothbrush = $1.99 -- $5.99 - $2 SCR + $2 coupon from HERE
**Quilted Northern toilet paper 12 pk = 2/$6.98 -- $5.99ea - $5/2 Video Value coupon
**Renuzit Adjustable Air Freshener = $1.45/3 --  $0.99 - $1/2 SCR + your $0.55/3 from 10/4
**Loreal Vive Pro shampoo, conditioner or styler = 2/$4 -- 2/$9 - $3/2 RideAid ad - $1 Vive shampoo or conditioner from todays paper + your $1 Vive styling product coupon from today's paper
**Secret Deoderent = 3/$4.50 -- 2/$5 - your Buy2, get1 coupon + your $0.50/1 coupon 
**Blue Diamond Almonds - BOGO + $1/2 cans in today's paper - Also available here
**Gain = $3.99 -- $4.99 - your $1/1 coupon
**Garnier Nutri-Pure skin cleansers= $1.99 --  $4.99 - your $1/1 coupon + $2 SCR
Just to get you started - I'm sure I' missed some - I'll post more later!  : )
Don't forget to use this $4 off $20 (PDF) from here, and the $5 off $25 from here
or, the $3 off $15 coupon at or, the $5 of $25 from either or!

Don't forget that on RiteAid's BOGO in-store promotions, their coupon policy states that you CAN use 2 coupons - one coupon per item (one coupon on the "buy one" item and one coupon on the "free" item) with the possibility that both items can end up being free.  So, if you get flack from the cashier, remind her about their policy.

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