If you haven't already, get those Fall bulbs in the ground! It's also a FUN activity you can do with your children! My toddler loved it! Plus, they are probably the most frugal flower because they multiply! Here are a few short bulb-planting rules...
Bulbs are easy to plant - just dig a hold about twice as deep as the bulb, then be sure you set the bulb in the hole with the root-side down (usually the larger side - if you're not sure, you can plant it sideways and the sprout will usually find the light!)
By planting a sequence of spring-, summer- and fall-flowering bulbs at the appropriate time, you can enjoy their blooms practically year ‘round.
Fall (late September through late November) – Plant hardy, spring-flowering bulbs: tulips, narcissus (includes all types of daffodils), crocus, eranthis (winter aconites), erythronium, fritillaria, hyacinths snowdrops, scilla, hardy cyclamen, lilies. In California and milder areas of the Southwest, also plant ranunculus, freesias, anemones and paperwhites outdoors. Store tulips, crocus and hyacinths in refrigerator for 6-8 weeks before planting. In all regions, store potted bulbs in refrigerator for forcing indoors.
Winter – In California, plant prechilled- hardy bulbs outdoors. In all regions, remove sprouted bulbs from refrigerator for indoor forcing.
Spring – Plant more tender, summer-flowering bulbs: achimenes, gladioli, alliums, calla lilies, tuberous begonias, ixia, crocosmia, dahlias, cannas.
Late Summer – Plant the late bloomers: fall crocus, fall- and winter-blooming hardy cyclamen.
Also, I found this company (located in Oregon - I love supporting local companies!) where you can buy bulbs online! This link, you can Subscribe to the BloomingBulb.com newsletter and save 10% off your order.
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