Thursday, November 5, 2009

Personalized Name Books!

My Very Own Name Personalized Storybook
I've seen these at Pottery Barn Kids, but if you buy it directly from the maker, they are actually cheaper! These make such a COOL gift for kids learning to read, like my toddler, or learning their name or learning the alphabet even! Plus, it makes them feel so special that their name appears in the book - wowsers! If I'm going to give a gift nowdays, I want it to be special, not just another gift under the tree just to add more gifts, and not just a toy they asked for and will probably only play with it for a month or two! A few years ago, it was all about adding more gifts under the tree so it looked full under there and so the kids had lots of gifts to open! We're going back to basics this year and trying to buy more meaningful gifts for the kids! Click here for these high quality personalized children's books

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