I have been collecting a stockpile of free or nearly-free products I scored from RiteAid over the past couple months and I feel that right now is the time to finally make my trip over to a local non-profit to drop it off. I chose Medical Teams International to donate the sacks of items - they are a local organization for us, headquartered in in Beaverton, Oregon! They provide medical care and other aid to countries all over the world, and have sent doctors to Haiti already and are planning several more trips over there. Send good thoughts that they can get in in a timely fashion - the aid situation over there has been tricky just getting people in through the airport.
When something comes out to be free, or nearly free, it makes it SO much easier to donate when you are on a more strict budget. I feel like there is always someone out there who has less than I do, even in my most "poor" times. Here is a list of items I have scored for free or nearly free from RiteAid that are in the bags on my table, ready for my trip to Medical Teams International to donate them! Visit my subject, "Right On, Rite Aid" in my subject lists on the left column or click HERE to see how I scored most of these deals!
2 large bags Kotex Maxi Pads
Stayfree maxi Pads
Carefree liners
Tampax tampons
Always Thin Liners
3 tubes Crest toothpaste
1 tube Colgate toothpaste
Neutrogena Acne Face Wash
Scope Outlast mouthwash
Vaseline Sheer Infusion lotion
2 Pantene Shampoos 2-in-1
Herbal Essences Shampoo
Finesse Shampoo
Johnsons Baby Powder
Jumbo Box of Pampers Diapers
Oral B Cross-Action toothbrush
Degree deodorant
Renuzit air freshener
2 boxes Tylenol Extra Strength
Edge shave gel
2 cans Gilette shave gel
Biore Daily Cleaning Cloths
Schick disposable razors - large bag
PFEW! That is a lot of stuff - I didn't realize I had already stockpiled so much - I had intended on donating right before Christmas to a homeless shelter, but never made it over there... buy maybe God had other plans for my donation, for it to head over to Haiti?!!
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