Total Purchase Coupons: 3 of them!
Click HERE to go to the $5/$25 RiteAid printable coupon (it's a PDF file)...
Go HERE to look for the $5/$25 coupon from Red Plum (if you don't see it, put "rite aid" in the search box at the top of their page - or, try using zip 97015)...
Then, watch 20 video commercials on Rite Aid's video Values site, HERE, and print your $5/$20 coupon!
The last time all 3 coupons were available like this, my RiteAid let me use ALL 3 coupons in one transaction! When I went to a different RiteAid, they only let me use the Video Values and then choose one of the other 2 to use. So, it depends on your RiteAid, but it is worth a try at yours to see if they'll let you use ALL 3, even if they only let you use 2, that's still $10 off your $25 purchase!
Game of Life
Don't forget the Game of Life promotion, where you can earn tokens for some of the purchases you make, and try to win prizes - plus, there are coupons within each token too! Click HERE for info about that promo.
Money-Back Promos
Plus, starting tomorrow, if you buy participating P&G products, you can earn a $5 Visa Reward card w/$25 purchase, $15 Visa card w/$50 in purchases, or a $35 reward with $100 in purchases! It is accumulative, so you don't have to buy it all at once - you have from 1/17/10 - 2/13/10 - so, save your receipts, or enter them into the digital Single Check Rebate system! It sounds like a lot to spend, but Pampers and Tide are on the list, among many others, so, you could stock up on few jumbo boxes of $19.99 Pampers and a large bottle of $9.99 Tide - that almost gets you to $100 right there! Not that I would buy these items just to get in on the deal, but if you were going to buy these items anyways, the better deal MIGHT be to go to RiteAid. Olay is also on the list, and you can double-dip on deals by also submitting for their $15 rebate HERE on 2 Olay Regenerist purchases - this ends the 24th! You need the original receipt for that, but luckily, if you sign up for RiteAid's Single Check Rebates, you can digitally submit for the Visa Reward card, and send the original to Olay! Look out for those products that also qualify for a Single Check Rebate, like the Oral-B items in rebates #77, #78, or #79... or, the Always pads or Tampax tampons in rebate #2. These brands ALSO have manufacturer coupons available to seek out!
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