Monday, January 18, 2010

The Weekly Green - Tip #9

Tip #9 - Repurposing Hidden Gems - two for the price of one!
We have been trying to be more aware of the things we buy that also come with a bunch of unnecessary packaging that just fill our trash and recycle bins.  BUT, I do also try to be more aware of a purchase that may include a hidden gem with a multi-purpose from the packaging!

One item I just repurposed is the plastic tub my Foster Farms lunch meat came in.  It was a very nice tub with a lid (pictured here) that is NOW my daughter's crayons tub!  The label on the top was just glued on, so it was really easy to pull off and wash.  I have 2 more of these in the freezer and one in the refrigerator... so, when we eat up all that lunch meat, I'll be able to organize the kids craft stuff!  I can put stickers in one, scrap paper pieces in another, and maybe some small toys in another!
That is how I plan to use the tubs, but there are so many other uses for them - pretty much anything you would use a Tupperware container for!  You could even save them up for Christmas, tie a ribbon around it and put your homemade cookies in them for the neighbors! 
So, when you are at the supermarket, be on the lookout for items where the packaging may have a hidden repurpose, for two reasons: 1. to reduce waste, and 2. to save you money on something you may have bought anyways (in this case, a tupperware container)!

Stay tuned next week for Tip #10!

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