Thursday, January 14, 2010

NEW + Coupon for Seventh Generation Disinfecting Wipes + Homemade version!

Seventh Generation just keeps expanding their line of home products - love it!  They just came out with a handy tub of disinfecting wipes that kill 99.9% of germs, just like the Clorox type, only Seventh Gen uses natural ingredients instead of chemicals!  There is also a coupon for their cleaning products HERE - you have to sign up to get their coupons... and also, there is a coupon HERE at RedPlum!

If you are interested in making your own, homemade household cleaner that is VERY effective cleaner and also kills germs naturally, click HERE to my blog post about homemade vinegar cleaner.  After reading Seventh Generation's announcement about their new wipes using Thyme oil, I realized that I may have unwittingly BOOSTED my cleaning and germ-killing power by accident when I added my home-grown Thyme herbs to my vinegar cleaner!  I did it to cut the vinegar smell, but it turns out it also is a natural germ-killer too!
A cool trick to make your own homemade wipes is to put a paper towel roll into a closable tub similar to the container they use with 1 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 1/2 cup water, and let the paper towels soak up all of the liquid (possibly overnight or longer) and you can flip it over halfway through if you wish to speed up the process.  You can also cut the paper towel roll in half if you have a smaller tub to put it in.  Be sure to use quality paper towels, not the cheapest one in the store because these will kind of get mushy when you go to clean with them (imagine those Brawny or Bounty commercials where one side is their brand and the other side is the cheaper brand that falls apart with vigerous wiping).  Voila!  Maybe, you can also boil some of your Thyme and strain out the chunks and add some of that to your vinegar and water mix before you soak your towels in it?!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

I did this same homemade method, except I used water and Tea Tree Oil in a used Lysol wipes container.

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